International Day of UN Peacekeepers| 2020 Theme
" To honor the peacekeepers and to pay tribute to the martyrs in the peacekeeping operations under the UN flag this day is celebrated as International Day of UN Peacekeepers. Those peacekeepers who are still working for this cause when Pandemic Covid-19 has taken whole world into it's claws." International Day of UN Peacekeepers[29th May] It was designated as International Day of UN peacekeepers on 29th May 1948. This is the date when first UN peacekeeping mission "United Nations Truce Supervision Organization" (UNTSO) began it's operation in Palestine. This is the day to pay the tribute to the personnel who are working for this mission with dedication, enormous determination, perseverance and courage, and commemorate those who sacrificed their life for peacekeeping. International day of UN peacekeepers 29 May Since it's Inception in 1948, 3900 people including civilians, Police and military personnel were died due to the unfortuna...