Some guys were going to pilgrimage. I asked them “Hey buddies where are you going.” They replied “We are going to remission as we sinned a lot.” I asked them again “ Do you really think you will become ASIN after worshiping the god.”  All of them replied “Yes”.
I was thinking  after there departure what they think about god?
Does he forgive all the sinners even after their inhuman deeds?
Does he permit them to come in his shelter after destroying other’s shelters?
I don’t think so but I have seen &  heard enormous people who committed deadly &  evil deeds but went to all pilgrimages all the temples,churches,mosques,holy rivers for remittal.
 The guys who are unable to look after their parents in their old age while their parents made them to stand at the place where they are today.
The people who looted,robbed,kidnapped,killed the people, raped innocent girls. It was just for making money & their uncouth &  devil lustful  mind.
The people who forfeited others property, money,made their life hard to breathe.
All those stupid think that after seeing stains of blood of killed people, mud of destroyed homes of poor & compelled people  god will forgive them & all of them will become sinless. I don’t deny that if God is worshiped with true spirit he will do better but after so many crimes & sins in which many people who were also worshiper & children of god got killed,hurt how can god be so merciful to the guys who just remember god after committing all such things. Why don’t they think at the time of sinning.
I think worship of god either at home or temples, churches, mosques, all other pilgrimage is the instant when we keep ourselves away from sins. While we are in temple or at home but we are worshiping  praying but with true spirit we will save ourselves from committing sins which we could be making if we were outside not in the shelter of god.
People think that GOD is the soap who will clean & remove all the stains from their defiled souls & hands once they use it.
But actually GOD is the water which if we use it will just fade somewhat stains , if sins & crimes are beyond the limit of humanity.It will clean hand & soul if it is in acceptable limit.
Be GOD loving not GOD fearing.
Brahma,Mahavir,Jesus,Allah all are same …..


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